The Quarantine Sessions, #1

I finally decided to get off of my rear and create something while stuck at home.

This is the first episode of, what is hopefully, a series: The Quarantine Sessions. I'll be doing a series of songs, and capturing video during the recording process. Number one is a cover of an excellent song, released by a band called Industry in 1983. It was a #1 track in Italy and Sweden, but didn't make it above #81 here in the states. Enjoy!

I used my new Roland TD-1K V-drums and Behringer DeepMind 12 on this one, along with a Roland EM-303 that I picked up recently. My KORG DW-8000 and Roland JD-Xi also participate, as well as a couple of instruments in Reason, such as an emulated LinnDrum. Bass came from my 5-string, and I tracked the vocals with my new AKG P120 large diaphragm condenser mic.

You can also give the track a listen over on SoundCloud:

I already have ideas for future episodes, so please stay tuned!